TOSS in Holland

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Analytics Professional I Supply Chain Professional

10 years experience

Nationality: South African

Age:  35+

Available: Depending on client needs


Databases: SQL

Platforms: SAP B1 / JDE

Frameworks-Tools: Power BI / Excel (Advanced) / Roadshow (Route Planning Software)

Technologies: Quantitative Data Analytics / Data Storyboarding and Visualisation / Master Data / Supply & Demand Planning / Materials Planning / Distributions Planning & Route Optimization / Qualitative Data Analytics / Production Planning / Process Development & Improvement / Imports & Exports Admin / Procurement Negotiations / Tender Costings & Evaluation/ Stakeholder Management


Nov 2014 – Jun 2021 | IFS Africa | Data Analyst

Sep 2021 – Dec 2021 | Unilever | Sales Analyst

– Ameliorated forecast accuracy by continuously monitoring actual vs. estimated results and adjusting forecast accordingly; further monitored market and customer trends to provide meaningful insights for planned promotions

– Aligned country category business team (CCBT) leads and other cross-functional partners on insights and decisions to propel implementation time

Dec 2021 – Sep 2022 | Webhelp | Insights Analyst

– Impacted performance measurement for a global client by designing a study covering data collection instrument design and result analysis to gain insight into the correct measurement of average handling time (AHT), a key KPI

– Introduced a time study and discovery workshops on low task completion from leaders resulting in a 35% increase in feedback coaching; further volunteered to contribute to various challenging projects

– Recognized and called upon as the go-to expert on Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint; assigned to non-performing projects towards developing and implementing performance improvement plans.

Oct 2022 – Present | PWC | Manager Procurement Excellence

– Pioneered and led a project to update vendor and item master data (10k to around 200 million) that resulted in the optimization of the overall procurement function of a mining client’s business

– Recognized by management and colleagues for quickly becoming au fait with the JDE Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system; acting as the go-to expert and mentor

– Concluded a project delivering procurement spend analytics to a state-owned enterprise (SOE) in the mining sector with recommendations towards procurement cost savings of 32%


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