TOSS in Holland

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Software Developer

5+ Years’ experience

Nationality: South African

Age:  35+

Available: Depending on client needs


<Coding Languages: C# / JavaScript

Databases:  PostgreSQL

Source Control: GITHub / TFS

Frameworks-Tools: Framework

Technologies: C#, MSSQL, Entity Framework, ASP.NET&Core, GitHub, Blazor,

JavaScript, CSS, HTML, TFS, DevExpress XPO & XAF, MVC. PostgreSQL, API’s

Soft: A methodical approach to work, Project management ,Self-motivated and passionate, Productive and efficient, Research and development, Excellent time management skills,

Punctual and reliable, Confidentiality and excellent work ethics, Excellent with planning and organising, Customer focus and responsiveness.


Sep 2022 – Present l 2yrs 3 mnths

First Digital, Vorna Valley, South Africa, Recent Position Held: Sep 2022 to

Present: Junior Frontend Developer – Automation & Integration


Feb 2010 – Aug 2022

UNIVISION, Mooikloof, South Africa, Recent Position Held: Jan 2018 to Aug 2022:

Software Developer – ProVision


Nov 2015 to Aug 2022: ProVision

May 2012 to Oct 2015: UniCollect


Feb 2010 to Apr 2012: Club Admin

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